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Community Supported Agriculture

Why CSA?

At one time, a large portion of our diet was supplied by the fertile lands which surround us. Today our food system has changed. It's common today to find imported produce in the grocery store while the local crop is in season and being shipped out of state! How crazy is that? It is our mission to reverse this trend. The CSA program is an effort to fill the dinner tables of our members with fresh, nutritious produce while providing them an opportunity to reconnect with the seasonal nature of local food and help preserve a working family farm.


The risk

Farming is unpredictable by nature. Even though we are carefully planning to provide you with a great variety of excellent quality produce for the 20-week season, there is no guarantee of the contents of your weekly share. We can guarantee that you will get a share each week, but not exactly what that share will include.


What does a share include?

You will get an assortment of fresh produce each week for 20 weeks, Starting the week of May 5 and continuing through the week of September 21. You will get a weekly email from Harvie showing what your share will include. You may make substitutions and purchase add-ons up to 24 hours before your pickup. Some veggies may be new to you, but part of the fun of a CSA is trying new things! Recipes are available on the farm blog (and through Harvie) to help you find new ways to enjoy your produce. A share also includes an invitation to our Spring Open House and the Fall Pumpkin Pick.

CSA options:

Choose a size:

  • Large share - $32/week 

  • Medium share- $21/week

*payment options now include p​ay-by-delivery

Choose add-on shares:

  • Egg share - $6/dozen weekly or every other week

Choose your pickup location / day:

  • Farm - Monday 3-6pm

  • Farm - Tuesday 3-6pm

  • Farm - Friday 3-6pm

  • Mullica Hill Chiropractic- Tuesday 2-6:30pm

  • Daily Fitness, Newfield - Tuesday

  • Sickler's Circle View Farm - Friday 3-5pm

  • Collingswood Market - Saturday 8-10am

  • Home delivery in Collingswood/Merchantville area on Tuesday $6 delivery fee

  • Home delivery in Salem/Carney's Point - Monday $6 delivery fee

Photos of a half share
CSA share
CSA share
CSA share
CSA share
CSA share
CSA share

Pickup begins the week of May 5th and continues through the week of September 21st.

We use Harvie for our CSA program!


What is Harvie?


Harvie is a software platform that helps CSA farmers offer their customers a customizable farm share program. Here is how it works:

Each week's share will be based on a combination of your preferences and what our farm has available that week. For example: don't like beets? Rate them a “not for me” and you will never get them in your share! Love carrots? Rate them “I love them” and if we’ve got them, you’ll get them! And each week you can further customize your share by swapping items too!

Bottom line, Harvie gives you more choice and flexibility while still supporting local, seasonal farmers!

Click here to learn more about Harvie

CSA share
CSA share
Farm tour

See more photos on our blog:

  • Blogger - Black Circle
Events just for our CSA members


Spring Open House

Spring is ripe with anticipation. Come get a tour of the farm and see the crops as they are just getting started. Enjoy u-pick strawberries and strawberry desserts! This is a great opportunity to get to know your farmers better and for us to get to know you.


Fall Pumpkin Pick

Enjoy the crisp autumn air while on a wagon ride to pumpkin patch to pick your own pumpkin. Lots of fun for kids!

Is the produce Organic?


Some of our crops are grown organically and some are not.


Organic crops include:

arugula, bok choy, broccoli, broccoli raab, cabbage, cauliflower, collards, herbs, kale, kohlrabi, lettuces, onions, peas, hot peppers, spinach, swiss chard, and grape tomatoes.


Non-organic crops, which are grown as part of a soil-building crop rotation and using integrated pest management (IPM) practices include:

beets, carrots, cucumbers, eggplant, green beens, melons, radishes, squash, strawberries, sweet corn and watermelons and winter squash.


Some products are sourced from neighboring farms including: apples, asparagus, blueberries and peaches. These crops are grown conventionally unless stated otherwise.


Only a few years ago, our family farm was focused on commercial-scale production or fresh produce and had no market for organically grown crops. When we started the CSA, we also began transitioning some land into organic production because we knew our CSA members would appreciate it. As the CSA grows, so will the portion of products that are grown organically. We are still working to develop ways to grow some crops organically while producing an acceptable yield and quality of product.


Our farm is GAP (good agricultural practices) certified. This is a rigorous annual inspection that requires a high level of food safety practices.


It's not easy to be a consumer these days with many conflicting messages about which foods are healthy. What we can promise is that we will do our best to grow safe, nutritious food. We consider it an honor and privilege to be your farmer. You can rest assured that your health and safety is our top priority.

© 2024 A.T. Buzby Farm

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